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We are
Voice of Hope.

Since our beginning in 2013, Voice of Hope has sought to improve the quality of life for impoverished widows and orphans in Kenya.  We seek to encourage women spiritually, physically, and emotionally with the Word of God and by facilitating opportunities for them to have better everyday lives and self sustainability. This is done through the building of lasting relationships with our widows.

By God’s grace and abundant provision, together with our generous donor community, we have made a difference in many lives!

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble” James 1:27

What We Do

We strive to be the hands and feet that show Christ-like love and compassion to the needy widows and orphans, to share a cup of water to the least of these, to be a voice of hope, to answer the cries of the hungry and helpless, to build relationships, and to encourage them in the Lord. 


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Widow & Orphan Care

We have invested in capital projects, improving homes and living conditions. Furthermore, we invest in food hampers, tuition, agriculture and business training for a group of families. 

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Community Care

We visit schools throughout the area with feminine hygiene packs for girls and hygiene teaching for boys, run teaching days on a variety of topics, drill wells and so much more. We seek to bless all those we encounter in Kenya.

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